This project is commissioned by the OECD, where ITEM is conducting research on how information-sharing and coordination of employment and skills policies could enhance cross-border labour market inclusion of third country nationals in the Greater Copenhagen region.
The work include the following activities:
Activity 1: Review of international good practices regarding information-sharing and co-ordination of employment and skills policies in cross-border regions
In the work, it will be analyzed what type of cross-border region and practices could be interesting as a benchmark within and outside the EU. In more detail: what are interesting innovative cases where lessons could be drawn for Greater Copenhagen. In this respect, next to the Greater Copenhagen Region, the Greater Region, the Upper-Rhine Region and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine are studies as cross-border regions with cross-border public employment services.
Activity 2: Organize an international expert workshop
ITEM co-organised and moderated the international workshop during the OECD Local Development Forum 2024 in Malmö at 24 September 2024. During the workshop, the three cross-border regions were highlighted.
Activity 3: Write up a draft note
The note will summarise the findings from the three cross-border regions and the characteristics of the individual cross-border labour markets and describe why the researchers are of the opinion that a certain practice could be relevant for Greater Copenhagen, which elements we recommend and how we see learnings and practical implementation for the Greater Copenhagen Region.