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- Cross-border assessment dossiers
More than ten years after the ECJ ruled that the German Eigenheimzulage was in breach
ReflectionsMaastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) is working with partners at the Uniklinik Aachen, the Clinique
ReportsMaastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) is working with partners at the Uniklinik Aachen, the Clinique
Reports- Cross-border assessment dossiers
Dossiers 1. German car toll: Research focused on the potential effects of the proposed German
Cross-border assessment dossiersFull dossier The entire dossier is available in Dutch and English here. ENCross-Border Impact Assessment
Cross-border assessment dossiersEuroregional mentality in two Euroregions Student group from Fontys University of Applied Sciences Venlo Coordinator:
Cross-border assessment dossiersSocial security Saskia Montebovi Introduction In December 2016, the European Commission proposed amendments to EC
Cross-border assessment dossiers