Broad prosperity: living and working across borders


Broad prosperity in the border region

ITEM researcher Pim Mertens and Inge Hooijen (external researcher at Regional Capital) recently wrote an article on broad prosperity: living & working across borders for the trade journal Grensoverschrijdend Werken.

[…] From a policy perspective, investing in measures to promote broad welfare can have positive or negative effects that extend across borders. This requires not only including these effects across the border in one’s own national assessment of effects, but also understanding that from a national perspective interventions may have a negative return on investment but from a cross-border perspective the investment is a valuable strategy. The mapping of ‘trade-offs’, which can also take place across the border, must be sharply mapped […] involvement of the relevant actors across the border is important not only to minimize the ‘border effect’ and to realize opportunities, but also to provide cross-border trade-offs […] despite local issues, coordination in addition to regional, provincial or even national level, also at Euroregional level is crucial.

To learn more, read the full article in the trade journal.