ITEM BRIEFS 13: Future (resistant) social security – action required?

Future (resistant) social security – action required?       Two reports on the future of social security were presented in February and April 2024. Given the socio-economic and political developments in Europe, the question of what our social security will look like is becoming increasingly important.  On 29 February 2024, the conference ‘Future-proof social […]

ITEM BRIEFS 11: A European degree: promoting transnational cooperation in higher education

          While the Dutch Government focuses on limiting internationalisation in higher education (see ITEM Briefs no. 6), the EU Commission is clearly committed to building a European Education Area. On Wednesday, March 27th 2024, the European Commission published a higher education package, which consists of three initiatives aiming to foster deeper […]

ITEM BRIEFS 9: Living together with water across borders

Living together with water across borders         On 16 January, the Dutch minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) answered parliamentary questions from members of the Standing Committee for Infrastructure, Water Management and the Environment on the interpretation of the national safety policy on primary flood defences, including a cost estimate of […]

Opinion: Border effects assessment must be improved

Pim Mertens

Opinion: Border effects assessment must be improved A new year, new tax rules. Sugar tax is driving Dutch consumers across the border, was the gist of reports in De Limburger and others in early 2024. The measure is part of the 2023 Tax Plan and was introduced on 1 January 2024. This consumption tax on […]

ITEM BRIEFS 7: Cross-border pension in the EU: the procession of Echternach

Cross-border pension in the EU: the procession of Echternach     Our pensionland is in a state of flux; especially when it comes to the regulation of cross-border pensions.  On 17 January, the Lower House debated the Future Pensions Act (WTP). It is surprising that in the more than 100 hours of parliamentary debates and […]

ITEM BRIEFS 6: “Internationalization in Balance” bill: a cross-border impact assessment of higher education

“Internationalization in Balance” bill: a cross-border impact assessment of higher education   At the end of 2022, the House of Representatives instructed the Dutch government to take measures against the influx of international students in higher education. In response, the Ministry of Education requested Dutch higher education to stop actively recruiting international students and to […]