Recap and conclusions ITEM Annual Conference 2023

Foto collage ITEM Jaarconferentie 2023

The border at the centre “With the report ‘every region counts’ and the region deals, this administration is making it clear that the Netherlands is only really thriving when it’s thriving everywhere, the border regions do have opportunities, but you have to be prepared to look beyond the borders both literally and figuratively and to […]

Border regions must be top of mind

Cross-border cooperation is not a foregone conclusion and requires continuous attention and investment, a concrete approach and sometimes requires tailor-made adjustments for the region because, after all, every region counts! ITEM analysed the plans of the 15 largest parties in the light of cross-border cooperation and the future of border regions. What are the plans […]

ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2023 published  

The Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2023, compiled by the interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM, aims to map the effects of European and national legislation and policies on border regions. The researchers presented their dossiers in a video pitch during the Annual Conference in The […]

PRESS RELEASE: Broad prosperity is still a blind spot in the border region

In their current election campaigns, almost all political parties stress that ‘every region matters’. Party manifestos are full of plans to promote broad prosperity in all regions of the Netherlands. Broad prosperity comprises not only material wealth, but also well-being, including issues such as living environment, social cohesion, crime prevention and health. An analysis in the annual […]

ITEM Reflection: House of Representatives elections from a cross-border perspective

Afbeelding Reflectie Nieuwspoort

Are the border regions in the picture? On Wednesday 22 November 2023, the Lower House elections will be held in the Netherlands. The future government and House of Representatives largely shape the cross-border policy pursued in the Netherlands. In the party programmes, the political parties formulate their plans for the future of the Netherlands, and […]

Three countries, one big headache and infinite possibilities

ITEM Researcher Martin Unfried

EU integration is the dream of a Europe without borders. Belgian and German border territories are an integral part of the daily lives of thousands of people in Maastricht. While there are no more passport controls, differences in legislation still complicate the European dream. Martin Unfried and ITEM research and advocate for people in European […]

Assessing the consequences of new legislation on border regions

  ???? Read the interview with Martin Unfried and Pim Mertens in the Observant of 18-9-2023 about the societal impact of research findings and how assessing the cross-border effects of new legislation became standard procedure thanks to ITEM’s research.

Successful annual Preuvenemint Meeting 2023

Foto Preuvenemint meeting 2023

Solving cross-border issues by thinking and acting across borders The annual ITEM Preuvenemint Meeting was a huge success. During the well-attended event, visitors were informed about the cross-border and Euregional mobility and cooperation issues we are working on through short pitches and presentations. Across national borders and in the full scope of our current and […]

ITEM Reflection: Coalition agreements in border regions from a cross-border perspective

Following the Reflection on party programmes in the run-up to the Provincial Council elections and the ITEM Commentary after the election results, we have now also analysed the coalition agreements of the parties in the seven border provinces. ▶️ Download the Reflection The reflection and commentary concluded that cross-border cooperation played a modest role and […]