Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility

Core activities

ITEM carries out interdisciplinary research in the context of cross-border Euroregional mobility and cooperation issues, paying particular attention to practical solutions. This starts with an interdisciplinary perspective, from which research takes place in the legal, economic, cultural and administrative fields, in cooperation with the various faculties within Maastricht University. Through both small-scale contract research and also extensive annual reports, ITEM tackles the issues surrounding the internationalisation of the world, and its impact on border regions. Our research revolves around translating scientific knowledge into practical solutions.

Societal border impact assessment and knowledge dissemination

Demand-driven research assignments and society-oriented research projects

European and national fundamental research

Education, courses and training

Societal border impact assessment and knowledge dissemination

Demand-driven research assignments and society-oriented research projects​

Education, courses and trainings​

European and national fundamental research​


Read here the latest news from and by ITEM.


💡🤝Op 4-9 vond het startevent Schakelpunt Grensbelemmeringen Vlaanderen-Nederland plaats dat overheden in grensregio's steunt bij het oplossen van grensbelemmeringen. Met @BollenAnouk als moderator. Keep reading!


🌍Reminder! Join us to discuss regional and national election outcomes and the implications for #borderregions in the context of global and European challenges, increasing regional disparities, and the rise of right-wing parties.#EUborderregions:

Recent publications


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