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Border resident central and border driver more positioned
Last 13 October marked the start of the first joint ITEM/HNP side event during the European Week of Regions and…
BlogsDecongesting the border region and reducing travel movements
Previously, ITEM has written about mobility-restricting quarantine measures for the sake of preventing COVID-19 infections. Policies are so designed to…
BlogsWork in progress: Belgian social policy on the upswing
After 493 days of intense negotiations, Belgium has a new federal government1 The largest amount released for the new policy…
BlogsThe similarity between Le Quattro Stagioni and the Brabançonne
Since the 26 May 2019 elections for a new Belgian federal government, intensive negotiations and several possible coalitions have been…
BlogsQuarantine exception inadequate for border region
Lasting disproportionate impact on daily life in the border region With the circulation of the Corona virus, governments are deploying…
BlogsThree countries, three ways of counting?
Comparing figures on corona infections and mortality can be misleading The number of people dying of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Belgium…
BlogsCorona-Creativity-boost of Corona-Energy-drain?
Creativity is more in demand than ever in the creative sector The Corona crisis and lockdown are hitting hard, especially…
BlogsNot crossing the border: recommendation or prohibition?
During the Easter weekend, there was a lack of clarity about what the rules actually are at the German-Dutch border.…
BlogsBorder perils and Hofstede’ s dimensions
Working at home and doing some fieldwork. It is my pleasure to look up and walk the border during my…
BlogsClosing national borders within the EU is a reflex that does not naturally lead to better health protection
Cross-border non-coordination Yesterday I was in Maastricht near the Belgian border which is no more than 1 kilometre behind my…