Cross-border Assessment 2021: Dossier 1: Ex ante study on the cross- border effects of the EU’s proposed Minimum Wage Directive (TEIN study)

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2021 Dossier 1: Ex ante study on the cross- border effects of the EU’s proposed Minimum Wage Directive (TEIN study) Entire dossier The entire dossier will become available here in English soon. Summary Joint research collaboration with the Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN) Dr. Nina Büttgen (ITEM) Martin Unfried (ITEM) José Victor Cremonesi […]

Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2020: Summary

Dossiers The impact of the Corona crisis on cross-border regions  Implementation and possible effects of the Dutch Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (NOVI) from a Euregional perspective Ex-ante evaluation of the (potential) cross-border impact of the structural reinforcement programme to end coal-based power generation in Germany The (im)possibility of cross-border training budgets to […]

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020: Dossier 5: The cross-border effects of the proposed German “basic pension” (Grundrente)

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020 Dossier 5: The cross-border effects of the proposed German “basic pension” (Grundrente) Entire dossier The entire dossier is available here in Dutch and English. Dossier 5: De grensoverschrijdende effecten van het voorgestelde Duitse “basispensioen” (Grundrente) Dossier 5: The cross-border effects of the proposed German “basic pension” (Grundrente) Summary Dr. Bastiaan Didden […]

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020: Dossier 4: The (im)possibility of cross-border training budgets to tackle long-term unemployment?

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020 Dossier 4: The (im)possibility of cross-border training budgets to tackle long-term unemployment? Entire dossier The entire dossier is available here in Dutch and German. Dossier 4: De (on)mogelijkheid van grensoverschrijdende opleidingsbudgetten om langdurige werkloosheid aan te pakken? Dossier 4: Die (Un-)Möglichkeit von grenzüberschreitenden Ausbildungsbudgets zur Bekämpfung der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit? Summary Pieter van […]

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020: Dossier 3: Ex-ante evaluation of the (potential) cross-border impact of the structural reinforcement programme to end coal-based power generation in Germany (Kohleausstieg)

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020 Dossier 3: Ex-ante evaluation of the (potential) cross-border impact of the structural reinforcement programme to end coal-based power generation in Germany (Kohleausstieg) Entire dossier The entire dossier will is available here in English. Dossier 3: Ex-ante evaluation of the (potential) cross-border impact of the structural reinforcement programme to end coal-based power […]

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020: Dossier 2: Implementation and possible effects of the Dutch Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (NOVI) from a Euregional perspective

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2020 Dossier 2: Implementation and possible effects of the Dutch Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (NOVI) from a Euregional perspective Entire dossier The entire dossier is available here in Dutch. Dossier 2: Implementation and possible effects of the Dutch Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (NOVI) from a Euregional […]

Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2019: Summary

Dossiers 90% rule Law on the standardisation of civil servants European Cross-Border Mechanism Governance under the new Interreg Regulation Cross-border data Nitrates Directive and manure quotas NL/DE Summaries Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2019 ▶️ In English ▶️ In Dutch Infographic (Click to download)  

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2019: Dossier 6: Nitrates Directive and manure quotas NL/DE

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2019 Dossier 6: Nitrates Directive and manure quotas NL/DE Entire dossier The entire dossier is available here in Dutch and English. Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2019: dossier 6 (Nitrates) Grenseffectenrapportage 2019: dossier 6 (Nitraat) This dossier provides an ex post assessment of the European Nitrates Directive from 1991, which sets quotas for the […]

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2019: Dossier 5: Cross-border data

Cross-border Impact Assessment 2019 Dossier 5: Cross-border data Entire dossier The entire dossier is available here in Dutch and English. Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2019: dossier 5 (Data) Grenseffectenrapportage 2019: dossier 5 (Data) Data collection for cross-border monitoring has been a much-debated topic in recent years. This dossier problematises how data collection is focused on the […]