Foreword newsletter May 2024

Anouk Bollen

Celebrating 10 years of expertise at ITEM: advancing cross-border cooperation A decade ago, we embarked on a journey to foster collaboration and address challenges across the inner borders of the European Union. As we mark our 10-year anniversary, we reflect on our accomplishments, milestones, and impactful contributions to cross-border cooperation and assessments. Founded with a […]

ITEM projectpartner Coordination Point Border Obstacles Flanders-Netherlands


A milestone in the cooperation between Flanders and the Netherlands: the project ‘Coordination Point Border Obstacles Flanders-Netherlands (Schakelpunt)’ was approved by the supervisory committee Interreg Flanders-Netherlands on 20 March 2024. This three-year project focuses on intensifying collaboration between all levels of government and knowledge institutions in Flanders and the Netherlands in order to deal with […]

Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2024: topics announced

Grefap 2024 announcement

  The topics for the Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2024 have been selected and the research phase is progressing well. The final reports will be presented at the ITEM annual conference on 22 November 2024. ITEM’s main task is to help remove border barriers within the EU. We therefore publish a detailed annual report on what […]

No mention of border regions on EU’s political agenda  

  On 29 April 2024, the Next ITEM: European Elections and Border Regions event took place at EIPA Maastricht. During this event, ITEM experts Martin Unfried and Pim Mertens explained the findings of their ITEM Reflection: European Elections 2024 and Border Regions with regard to cross-border perspectives in European party manifestos. European Parliament candidates Karin […]

Cross-border coordination points: Experts emphasize the added-value

NRW event 2024

What are the pros and cons of the amended Commission proposal (COM (2023) 790) for an EU regulation on a cross-border mechanism? ITEM organised a session about details of this initiative, now called “cross-border facilitation tool” The event was organised in cooperation with the Representation of the German Land Nordrhein-Westfalen and took place in Brussels […]

WinWin4WorkLife project start

WinWin4WorkLife Project Launches to Explore and Enhance Remote Work Impacts Across Europe From February 2024, the WinWin4WorkLife project has begun, aimed at understanding and addressing the impacts of remote work arrangements across Europe – including in cross-border regions. At the heart of the WinWin4WorkLife project is a mission to enrich interdisciplinary understanding of the social, […]

Opinion: Border effects assessment must be improved

Pim Mertens

Opinion: Border effects assessment must be improved A new year, new tax rules. Sugar tax is driving Dutch consumers across the border, was the gist of reports in De Limburger and others in early 2024. The measure is part of the 2023 Tax Plan and was introduced on 1 January 2024. This consumption tax on […]

ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2023 published  

The Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2023, compiled by the interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM, aims to map the effects of European and national legislation and policies on border regions. The researchers presented their dossiers in a video pitch during the Annual Conference in The […]