TEIN conferentie 2024

26sep(sep 26)09:0027(sep 27)16:15TEIN conferentie 2024De toekomst van grensoverschrijdende samenwerking en mobiliteit: horizontale integratie en meer - georganiseerd door ITEM

Event Details

Deze 2-daagse conferentie, mede-georganiseerd door het Instituut voor Transnationale en Euregionale grensoverschrijdende samenwerking en Mobiliteit (ITEM) en het Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN)) en ondersteund door het project Borders in Globalization-21st century, behandelt de praktische uitdagingen en vooruitzichten van toekomstige grensoverschrijdende samenwerking en mobiliteit en bevordert debatten en beleidsvooruitzichten rond en voorbij het concept van horizontale integratie.








Deadline voor aanmelden: 12-9-2024 | 23.59 u

Over het congres

Dagelijks de grens oversteken maakt deel uit van de leefwereld van miljoenen Europeanen. Of het nu om werk, studie, winkelen of vrije tijd gaat, inwoners van grensregio’s reizen regelmatig heen en weer tussen het ene en het andere land. In onze grensoverschrijdende mobiliteit ervaren we niet alleen de geneugten van de vrijheid om te reizen in de EU, maar hebben we in veel opzichten ook nog steeds te maken met administratieve en coöperatieve beperkingen en problematische verschillen in sociale zekerheid, belastingen, gezondheidssystemen, erkenning van diploma’s, misdaadbestrijding, grensoverschrijdend ondernemerschap, studeren, duurzaamheid, energietransformatie enz. enz.

Sinds Maastricht 1992 hebben we een lange weg afgelegd in het bevorderen van samenwerking en mobiliteit in grensoverschrijdende regio’s, maar grensoverschrijdende samenwerking en mobiliteit is gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. We hebben (nog) niet alle technische, wettelijke en culturele obstakels uit de weg geruimd voor een grenzeloos proces van Europese integratie. Hoe kunnen we vooruitgang boeken naar het volgende niveau van Europese integratie in grensoverschrijdende regio’s? Welke innovaties in grensoverschrijdende bestuursmechanismen hebben we nodig?

Het Europese integratiediscours is lange tijd gedomineerd door het concept van verticale integratie, dat wil zeggen de relatie tussen de EU en haar lidstaten. Horizontale integratie impliceert een proces tussen gelijksoortige publieke en private autoriteiten over de staatsgrenzen heen op lager (regionaal en gemeentelijk) bestuursniveau, evenals interacties tussen mensen.

Voorlopig programma


Donderdag, 26 september 2024

09:00 – 17:00 Registration
09:30 – 10:05 Opening

Welcome by the Mayor of Maastricht Wim Hillenaar 

Welcome remarks by hosts Anne Thevenet (TEIN), Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (BIG), Anouk Bollen (ITEM) 

10:05 – 10:30 First keynote address

Ricardo Ferreira DG REGIO

10:30 – 11:30 Thematic plenary session: The Future of Cohesion in Cross-border Regions

Moderator: Martin Unfried, senior researcher, ITEM, Maastricht University 

The panel will discuss the future strategy and funding instruments for cohesion policy with a focus on in cross-border regions. In particular, the panel will discuss the future of Interreg programmes with respect to current deficiencies and strengths and the role of other EU funds.

Expected panellists:

  1. Karl-Heinz Lambertz, High-level working group on future of cohesion policy
  2. Ricardo Ferreira, DG REGIO
  3. Bram de Kort, Director Interreg Flanders-The Netherlands
  4. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Jean Monnet Chair, European Union Policy and Governance, University of Victoria
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 13:15 Plenary paper presentation – TEIN Cross-Border Impact Assessment: Facilitating Cross-Border Solutions in the European border regions – the revised ECBM – An instrument for Horizontally integrated Europe?

A new instrument has been proposed to boost cross-border cooperation in Europe and to foster development in border regions: Facilitating Cross-Border Solutions. This panel will present insights from different border regions across Europe and assess what the impact would be. Insights from border regions in the Benelux territory, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, France and Austria by ITEM, CESCI, WSB, Euro-Institut, Faculty of Public Administration – University of Ljubljana, Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

Moderator: Martin Unfried 


  1. Joanna Kurowska, WSB 
  2. Gyula Ocskay, CESCI 
  3. Clarisse Klauber, Euro-Institut  
  4. Pim Mertens, ITEM 
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch break
14:15 – 15:15 Thematic plenary session: functional cross-border cooperation:

Moderator: Math Noortmann

Cross-border cooperation: structural inhibitors and functional enablers

In this panel we discuss aspects that facilitate or impede cross-border cooperation. The panellist in this panel address (inter alia) such dogmas and sacred cows as national sovereignty and competitive advantage. But the panel also exhibit sectoral success in the fields of administration, education, entrepreneurship and crime control.

  1. Vincent Pijnenburg, Professor in Cross-Border Regional Development Fontys Hogeschool (Venlo), President of the Business Club Maas Rhein,
  2. Gennard Stulens, accountmanager Belgium, Euregional Information and Expertise Centre (EURIEC)
  3. Marcel Schumacher, Director of the Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Boardmember of Very Contemporary, the Network of Contemporary Art Venues in the Meuse-Rhine Region
15:25 – 17:10 Plenary paper presentation – Attitudes on European Integration in Border Regions in the light of the European Parliament Elections 2024

Moderator: Birte Wassenberg, (Sciences Po Strasbourg) 

  1. Bernard Reitel (University of Artois): Cross-border regions as laboratories for European integration in the perspective of the European elections 2024: a comparison of the Franco-German and Franco-Belgian borderlands
  2. Birte Wassenberg (Sciences Po Strasbourg): European narratives at the Franco-German border (Upper Rhine and Greater Region) in the light of European Elections 2024
  3. Fabienne Leloup (UCLouvain): What future in terms of cooperation for a pioneering cross-border region? A study at the Franco-Walloon border
  4. Martin Unfried (ITEM – University Maastricht): The cross-border effects in political plans for European Parliament Elections 2024: quo vadis?
17:10 – 17:15 Closing of the day
17:30 – 19:30 Welcome Reception (hosted by the Municipality of Maastricht, City Hall Maastricht  


Vrijdag, 27 september 2024

09:00 – 13:00 Registration
09:30 – 09:45 Welcome Remarks Anouk Bollen ITEM / Maastricht University
09:45 – 10:15 Second keynote address

Sebastian Gröning- von Thüna, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Germany 

10:30 – 12:00 Parallel paper session 1A Cross-border regions in national and European policies

Moderator: Martin Unfried

  1. Michael Frey (HS Kehl): Towards de-territorialised cross-border cooperation: Exceptional rules for cross-border situations without territorial differentiation criteria
  2. Jean-Francois Clouzet (Savoie Mont-Blanc University) & Tamara Espineira-Guirao (Sciences Po Rennes): A self-centered approach of EU instruments: Active subsidiarity in cross-border cooperation
  3. Zsuzsanna Fejes (University of Public Services): Evaluation and the Future of Cross-border Cooperation in Hungary
  4. Facilitating Cross-Border Solutions: new instrument from a horizontal dimension – prof. Dr. Joachim Beck (FH Kehl), dr. Loth van der Auwermeulen (UHasselt), Pim Mertens & Martin Unfried (ITEM)
Parallel paper session 1B Cross-Border Integration and Cooperation from Lingual and Cultural perspectives

  1. Jordi Cicres (University of Girona): Cross-border Cooperation and the Maintenance and Revitalization of Minority Languages
  2. Dmitry Pakhomov (WSB University, AWSB Dąbrowa Górnicza): The Role of Tourism in the Cross-Border Cooperation between the West Pomeranian Voivodship in Poland and Mecklenburg Pomerania in Germany
  3. Max Klöters (Fontys Venlo): Adapting new horizons: Unravelling individual readiness in cross-border collaboration within the Dutch-German Borderland
  4. Ahmed Bakry (Kassel University): Measuring the cross-border integration level through the cross-border cultural powers. The case studies of the Basque, Flemish, and Upper Rhine cross-border regions in the EU
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
12:30 – 12:50 Book presentation
13:00 – 14:15 Plenary Session Resilient Cross-border Cooperation in times of Crisis


  1. Pim Mertens (ITEM, Maastricht University): Cross-border Cooperation & Crisis Management: Results related to Floods and Pandemic
  2. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz (AWSB): Managing cross-border projects towards more resilient cooperation in borderlands. The post-pandemic perspective
  3. Ruslan Zhechkov (Technopolis): Strengthening the Resilience of EU Border Regions
  4. Marian Ramakers (EMRIC): Crisis Management from a practitioner’s view
14:30 – 15:30 Parallel paper session 2A Cross-border mobility: Labour and Business

  1. Caroline Fischer & Le Anh Long (University Twente): Pooling Cross-border Human Resources in the Healthcare Sector
  2. Oskar J. Bronsgeest & Sofie Moresi (Fontys Venlo): Learning organizations in a cross-border context: What are the leadership challenges of cross-border business development in the Dutch-German borderland?
  3. Margot Bonnafous & Fabienne Schimek (Euro-Institut): Grasping crises as a whole – About current challenges and perspectives in light of the labour market transformation in the Upper Rhine Region
Parallel paper session 2B Cross-border education

  1. Svetlana Buko (SASS FUDS) & Giustina Selvelli (University of Ljubljana): Exploring the Value of Cross-Border Business Curricula: A Case Study of the Collaborative Design on the Slovenian-Italian Border for MA Level Program in Intercultural Management
  2. Yaroslav Lazur (Uzhhorod National University): EGTC as a form of development of cross-border cooperation of higher education institutions in the Visegrad Group states and Ukraine
  3. Manuel Justen (Euregio Meuse-Rhine): Experiences from the Project EMRLingua  
15:30 – 15.45 Plenary conclusions and closure by Ann Thevenet Euro-institute TEIN 



26 September 2024 09:00 - 27 September 2024 16:15(GMT+02:00)

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